I do not fight with fools

I do not fight with fools.

Open source is fundamentally based on community. Within this community, there are the so-called “worshipers of open-source religion.” They occasionally view alternative approaches as wrong, and while they are curious about others’ code, they often keep theirs under wraps. It raises the question: By what right do they demand to see someone else’s code, especially when they aren’t willing to share their own? This clearly is a contradiction.

I, too, have shared a significant amount of code, helping many in the process. However, many of those who benefited often take it for granted.

Another challenge with open source is the lack of continuity. Numerous open-source projects kick off, but many are abandoned midway. This is mainly because there’s insufficient long-term motivation for talented developers. Such discontinuations can harm the users who rely on these projects. When damage arises from a halted project, who is to bear the responsibility?

When problems emerge, some people are quick to point fingers and criticize. In contrast, the wise ones strive to find solutions. I choose not to engage in fruitless battles with the former.

If you desire my code, it’s only fair that you either pay a legitimate price or make your work open source in return.

I do not fight with fools.

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